Andreza Oliveira

Recruitment Consultant Marketing & sales

Andreza Oliveira - Recruitment Consultant Marketing & sales

Since completing my university degree in 2010 back in Brazil, my journey in the recruitment world has been a fulfilling adventure, to say the least. Spending a couple of years in the USA enriched my professional & personal growth, allowing me to understand more the recruitment environment in different countries and sectors. After a rewarding period in IT and life sciences, I'm embarking on a new chapter in retail here in the Netherlands. With 11 years of experience, my passion lies in connecting with people and guiding them toward their dream jobs. Collaborating with diverse companies and international professionals during my time as an expat has deepened my empathy and commitment to this profession. I derive immense joy from caring for my candidates and clients, showcasing my genuine enthusiasm for facilitating success in the professional realm.

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